Friday, 14 June 2019

Choir Rehersals

                                       Choir !!!
                          Ola bloggers,
On Tuesdays and Thursdays a choir group of senior students have practises with our deputy principal in the hall. We have been singing songs for the choir performance in November and have been singing songs for the choir that is going to be  down at the Auckland Town Hall.  We have also been practising with Mr Lambert, one of the directors that will be helping us. On Thursday we were walking down to Hay Park School to practice with Hay Park and other schools. On Tuesday we will be practising back in our hall.
                There is a B side and a A side

 On the day down at Auckland town Hall we will be there for 2 hours and a half. We will have to stand still facing the audience without talking, chatting, playing and hiding.                                                                                                      Auckland town hall

The songs we had learned A Te Tarakihi, Ke Manuia Te Aho, In winter, choo choo ch boogie, the moon and eye of the tiger. We sang with Hillsborough, Hay Park, Mount   

Eden and more. We all had fun practising songs and getting                        along with each other, so long bloggers                                                       and goodbye.
                                       Blog you later!

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