Friday, 5 April 2019

Molly Green Day

Kia Ora blogger's and welcome to my blog, On Saturday the 30th my friends and others went to a special programme  at Molly Green Park. There were big squishy bouncy castles and an amazing performance by the kapahaka group on stage. Our school Waikowhai Primary were selling kawakawa balms, little pots
for $5.00 and big pots for $8.00, it helps to heel scrape, grazes and dry lips. Worm wees for growing gardens and bee's wraps too. We were selling these because we are fundraising for our senior camp. There were yummy
delicious food and also fun games to play, and also there were fun face paints we could get. Something my friends learned is that the kakakawa balms and other objects were helpful for them. They had a awesome fun day! and a great time. They felt happy and excited for this day to come.
Well I will see you next time bloggers and blog you later!

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